
Get to know Â鶹ֱ²¥â€™s talented and experienced team of researchers, including career highlights, achievements, research interests and pursuits, publications and more.

If you have a proposal for a research project and would like to work with our team, please fill out our project request form to get started.

Meet our researchers

  • Adam Stibbards Image on white background

    Adam Stibbards

    Coordinator and Professor, Honours Bachelor of Counselling Psychology degree program

  • Amir Baghaki headshot in black background


    Applied Research Faculty Lead, Research and Innovation

  • Headshot of Anita Smiling

    Anita Arvast

    Professor, Liberal Arts

  • Brenda smiling and sitting on a yellow chair

    Brenda J. Marshall

    Program Coordinator and Faculty, Honours Bachelor of Business Administration – Health Management, and Management and Leadership

  • Brent Cotton with a blue suit in a dark green background

    Brent Cotton

    Faculty, Human Services and Community Safety

  • Chrissy Deckers smiling on white background

    Chrissy Deckers

    Student Success Advisor, Social Innovation and Student Success

  • smiling Daniel with a black and grey background

    Daniel Travers

    Professor, Liberal Arts

  • Close up head shot of Doctor Eleanor Gittens

    Eleanor Gittens

    Professor, Human Services and Community Safety

  • Headshot of Gregory Anderson wearing a blue shirt

    Gregory Anderson

    Professor, Health, Wellness, and Sciences

  • Ian Cole smiling and wearing glasses in dark background

    Ian Cole

    Professor, Health, Wellness and Sciences

  • Ian Drennan with grey suit on brown background

    Ian Drennan

    Part-time Faculty, Paramedic Program, Department of Health and Wellness

  • Isabelle Deschamps smiling with a library behind

    Isabelle Deschamps

    Faculty, Human Services

  • Javeed with a red shirt and white background

    Javeed Ahmed Khan

    Professor, Engineering and Environmental Technologies

  • Jim with a blue shirt looking away

    Jim Karagatzides

    Professor, Engineering and Environmental Technologies

  • Majid wearing a grey suite with a black background

    Majid OstadRahimi

    Professor, Engineering and Environmental Technologies

  • Faculty researcher

    Matt Koller

    Program Coordinator, Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation

  • Mike smiling and wearing a blue shirt

    Mike Zacharko

    Faculty, Engineering Technology

  • Mohammadreza with glasses in a white background

    Mohammadreza Balouchestani

    Professor, Engineering and Environmental Technologies

  • Smiling peter with a white background

    Peter Brown

    Applied Research Faculty Lead, Research and Innovation

  • Faculty researcher

    Rich Freeman

    Professor, Computer Studies

  • Robert Kelly

    Robert Kelly Bob Kelly A graduate from the University of Waterloo in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Management Science, research has…

  • Close up head shot of Engineering and Environmental Technologies professor Ron Sky

    Ron Sky

    Professor, Engineering and Environmental Technologies

  • Ross smiling wearing a shirt with blue lines in a grey background

    Ross Bigelow

    Program Coordinator, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence

  • Smiling Sara leaning on a tree

    Sara Lankshear

    Associate Dean, Nursing

  • Smiling Sarah sitting on a chair

    Sarah Hunter

    Student Services and Faculty Research Lead

  • Scott smiling wearing glasses and a grey jacket in a dark background

    Scott McCrindle

    Program Coordinator, Interactive Media Design – Web, Faculty Researcher

  • Scott wearing a blue suit in a black background

    Scott Staring

    Professor, Liberal Arts

  • Stephanie smiling and wearing a red blouse

    ³§³Ù±ð±è³ó²¹²Ô¾±±ð A³Ù³Ù³ó¾±±ô±ô

    Professor, Health, Wellness and Sciences

Contact us

The department of Research and Innovation connects industry and community partners with faculty and student researchers to help clear business and/or technology hurdles and better understand their target markets. For general inquiries, please contact us:

Featured projects

Research and Innovation works with industry and community partners on projects at any stage of the research and development continuum, from early concept development through to final testing and validation.

Ready to begin?

The first step to working with Research and Innovation is to fill out a Project Request Form and share the details of your proposed research.